We realise that living off campus has some advantages and some disadvantages. This week we would like to share some quick life hacks that could help offset some of those disadvantages. It’s still not too late to enter oursweepstakes contest where you can win up to $150. The competition closes in 7 days, so enter today!!
Campus Clubs
One of the biggest differences with living off campus is you spend more time away from the campus community. One easy way to stay involved in the campus community is by joining University or College clubs. Not only is it a great way to socialize, but it’s a great way to relieve stress and expose yourself to new experiences.
Meal Prep
Living off-campus means you will you have to prepare your own meals. Some post-secondary institutions have meal plans that are available to all students, but sometimes living off campus means it may be less feasible or affordable for you. An easy way to make healthy meals with the minimum amount of time and effort is purchasing a Slow Cooker, Crock Pot or an Instant Pot. Most of these appliances come with healthy recipes, and the best part is all you need to do is prepare the ingredients and throw them in the appliance and it will do the rest of the work for you. This will save you a lot of time, money and help you stay healthy.
There is an old saying, you can work harder or you can work smarter. For some people, study groups are an easy way to maximize what you learn and the amount of work you do. Not only will you learn more since you have multiple perspectives, but it’s a great way to learn how to work in a team environment since that’s what most jobs will require. You will also make some good friends and great connections that could help you get a job in the future.
Facebook and WhatsApp Groups
Some classes, clubs and cohorts have WhatsApp and Facebook groups. If you do a quick search for your school, graduating year or a course you are planning on taking, you will find a list of groups and communities that already exist. Do not be afraid to join these groups and get involved since most of these communities can relate to what you’re going through and may be able to give you some good tips and advice. In addition, you might make some good friends. Just because you live off-campus, it does not mean you should be disconnected from the community
If you live close to campus or a good bus/train route, then this may not apply to you. However, if you have a bit of a commute from home to school, car-pooling may be a great to save money on gas, parking and is better for the environment. If you have a good group with you, it will make the drive less boring. After all, time flies when you’re having fun.