How to Spot Scams and Fake or Fraudulent Postings

At RentWhiz we take safety and security very seriously, so we do everything we can to make sure our community is a safe space and a safe place. In this week's blog we wanted to discuss various ways to identify postings that may be scams, fake or fraudulent. If you ever needed to read one of our blogs to the very end, this is probably the one. If you ever notice a posting that meets any of the criteria below, please flag it and report it as soon as possible so we can protect other people in the community. To report a posting, click on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner of the listing and click on “report post” or “report to group admins. To report a comment, tap and hold on the comment and click on “report post” or “report to group admins, you can find more details at this link. We will then block these individuals from all our groups and report them to Facebook, so they cannot cause any more harm. We also recommend reporting it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC).

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Free Tax Clinics, File Your Taxes for Free!

With tax season upon us, it's time to file your taxes, and lets face it, filing your taxes can be taxing. In case you didn't know, most students are eligible for a free tax filing at a tax clinic.

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Normal Wear and Tear Versus Damage

Some people may wonder what the difference between wear and tear and damage is. Damage is a change in the property caused by something the tenant did, for example, if you spilled something, made a hole in the wall or damaged the flooring or carpets. Wear and tear is how the condition and state of a place changes over time just as things age and are used, for example, when paint fades, pipes may deteriorate or electrical components wear out. Tenants are responsible for damage while landlords are responsible for wear and tear. In this week’s blog we wanted to over some things tenants can do to prevent damage to the property.

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RentWhiz TeamRentWhiz Incorporateduniversity of calgary, university of lethbridge, University of Alberta, uvic, UBC, UManitoba, university of british columbia, ubc, university of winnipeg, University of Manitoba, university accomodation, UAlberta, university of victoria, uofc, UofA, student housing, rent, rentwhiz, RentWhiz, freshman, college, concordia, Off-Campus Student Housing, Off-Campus Accomodation, Off-Campus Housing, roommates, Roommates, roommate posting, roommate advice, GMac, gmac, Grant MacEwan, damage deposit, advice for post-secondary students, norquest college, McEwan, MacEwan, macewan university, Macewan University, 1TEN on Whyte, 1Ten on Whyte, eviction notice, tips for landlords, tips for renting, tips for tenants, Student Accomodation, first-year student, SFU, sfu, first time renter, post-secondary student, student rent, first-year students, Horizon Residence, choosing rental property, renter mistakes, lethbridge university, landlord tenant relationship, credit report, credit score, cleaning, eviction, moving in, Moving, moving tips, Moving Tips, Advice to my first-year self, move in inspection, move-in inspection, simon fraser university, utoronto, university of toronto, university of manitoba, u of t, UofT, ualberta, uofa, university of alberta, umanitoba, university of windsor, university of waterloo, york university, York University, yorke university, Yorke University, western university, Ryerson University, toronto, grant macewan, edmonton, Edmonton
Mental Health and Wellness Resources

We know being a student can be stressful and due to the stress of exams you may be dealing with uncertainty and circumstances that are taking a toll on your physical and mental health. So we’ve compiled a list of resources that are available to you to help you get through these trying times. Please keep in mind that some of these hyperlinks may change over time, so if you get an error when you click on it, please do a Google search of the title and it should take you to the updated page.

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RentWhiz TeamAdvice to my first-year self, advice for post-secondary students, mental health, stress, exam stress, nait, sait, UBC, UAlberta, UManitoba, southern alberta institute of technology, northern alberta institute of technology, university of british columbia, University of Alberta, University of Manitoba, checklists, college, concordia, choosing rental property, midterms, study tips, student housing, student rent, exam anxiety, exams, rent, rentwhiz, renter mistakes, anxiety, freshman, first-year student, first-year students, failing exams, first time renter, sfu, Off-Campus Housing, Off-Campus Accomodation, Off-Campus Student Housing, uofc, UofA, tips for tenants, simon fraser university, tips for landlords, university of winnipeg, university of calgary, university of victoria, life hacks for students, tips for renting, GMac, gmac, Grant MacEwan, Nightmare Roommates, landlord tenant relationship, uvic, post-secondary student, norquest college, property listing, roommates, Roommates, renters insurance, roommate advice, roommate posting, Student Accomodation, student rentals, Student Roommates, university accomodation, macewan university, Macewan University, Mental health, Stress, Anxiety, SFU, NAIT, Covid-19, covid-19, leading causes of roommate conflicts, RentWhiz, how to study for exams, toronto, uofa, ubc, utoronto, UofT, u of t, umanitoba, ualberta, university of lethbridge, university of toronto, university of manitoba, university of alberta, university of windsor, university of waterloo, grant macewan, McEwan, MacEwan, york university, York University, yorke university, Yorke University, Ryerson University, Concordia, off-campus accomodation, off-campus housing, off-campus student housing, western university, lethbridge university, Seneca College
More Tips for First-Year Students

In last weeks blog we discussed some tips for first year students. That blog inspired this week’s blog about biggest regrets and lessons learned from students. We put together a list of some of the most valuable lessons from current and previous students. Please take a read because some of these are real eye openers.

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