Posts tagged gmac
Credit Reports & Co-Signers

If you are renting an apartment for yourself for the first time, one of the most difficult decisions to make is how much you can you afford to pay for rent. I found the rent affordability calculator on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation website that may be a good starting point for you. This will help estimate how much you can afford to pay for rent each month.

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How do I prepare my home for a long absence?

Exams are finally over and the term has come to an end, so some of you may be traveling or visiting family and friends. We’ve put together a list of things to do in your apartment before you leave.

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The Terms Nearly Over and It’s Time to Move Out! Here are Some Quick Tips

Classes are finished, your final exam is right around the corner or is a thing of the past and it’s time to think about moving out. Here’s what you need to know…

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How to prepare for exams

Exams are just around the corner, or in progress, so we wanted to give you some advice on how to get ready for exams.

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How To Get Along with Your Tenant

In our previous blogs, we discussed how to get along with your landlord. Believe it or not, this started a conversation and thread around things that a landlord should do to keep their tenant happy. So naturally, we felt obligated to write about it.

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