How to prepare your place for winter

Winter is coming! With winter right around the corner and the first signs of snowfall showing up across different cities in Canada, we decided to give you some ideas on how to prepare your place for winter.

Check your windows and doors

Make sure your windows and doors are winter proofed and do not have any cracks or holes. One of the most common ways to let cold air in, or let the heat escape is through the windows and doors, so make sure these are winter proof and secure. If you need more information on this, do a search on draft stoppers, they aren’t expensive and can help keep your place warm.

Test your heating

This one is easy to do, all you have to do is turn your heat on for a day or two and make sure it is actually working. If you notice any problems or if it takes too long to heat up, make sure, you talk to your landlord as soon as you can to get it prepared.

Check your balcony 

If you store items on your balcony during the summer, you might have to bring some of those items in doors to prevent them from being damaged. Another thing to keep in mind is most balconies have multiple sliding doors, and once it gets cold, you want to ensure all doors are sealed, locked and secure, otherwise, you may let the cold in which could lead to frost build on the doors, or frozen pipes.

Change your light bulbs

During the summer months, the days are long and there is a lot of natural light coming into the apartment so you don’t have to use your lights as often. Once winter comes around, the days aren’t as long and you have to use your lights more often. To save on bills, use energy efficient light bulbs and try to pick out some light bulbs that mimic natural light, this usually helps people feel more comfortable.

Have an emergency kit

This doesn’t happen that often, but if there happens to be a power outage during winter, you want to be prepared. Keeping items such as blankets, flashlights, batteries, canned food, water, and portable cell phone chargers could come in handy. You may not have to use them, but it could come in handy in case of an emergency.

Put Your Ceiling Fans on Reverse

If you have ceiling fans in your place, put them in reverse. Changing the rotation makes your fan bring the cold air up and force warm air down. This is a quick and easy way to keep your place warm

Winter ready items

If you live in a house or have a yard, there are certain items you need to have for winter. Shovels, salt/ice melt for the sidewalks and driveways, a snow blower etc. If you think you will need these items, make sure you have them before it begins to snow. Once it starts snowing, they’ll be harder to find, harder to access and more expensive.

If you have any other ideas, please comment below,contact us or comment on our social media.