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RentWhiz Presents, "Nightmare Roommates and the Lessons They've Taught Us" at Startup Edmonton’s, Edmonton Startup week

On Thursday October 22, 2020 at 5:00 pm MST, RentWhiz Inc. will have the honour of hosting an event at Startup Edmonton’s, Edmonton Startup week. Starup Week is five days of workshops, socials, and events celebrating the diversity of our startup community, building connections and discovering new opportunities to be part of the culture of innovation in Edmonton. This year it’s virtual, so anyone can attend.

Our topic for the event will be, "Nightmare Roommates and the Lessons They've Taught Us", where we'll share some of the horror stories and tales we’ve heard from our community members about their roommates and living situations, and some of the steps they could have taken to prevent or mitigate these problems.

This is a topic that is near and dear to us since it’s what inspired us to build RentWhiz. If you are a student living with a roommate, or planning on living with a roommate in the near future, you should probably attend this event. You can sign up using this link