Landlord and Tenant Disputes

I’m guessing most of us like to live in a peaceful and harmonious environment, but the reality is, occasionally we have to deal with conflicts and disagreements. When it comes to your relationship with your landlord or your tenant, we hope it’s a good one, but if there are ever any disputes there are a few things you can do to try resolve them.

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Common mistakes for first time renters!!

Whenever we are doing or learning something for the first time, we tend to make mistakes simply because we didn’t know better or just because it comes with the territory. We’ve gotten some feedback from some of our group members on things they would’ve done differently the first time they rented.

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To rent or to buy: that is the question

I recently had a conversation with one of the group members who was curious about rental rates in the city and we ended up talking about at what point he should consider buying instead of renting. This is not an easy question or answer and it depends on each person's individual circumstances.

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