Landlord and Tenant Disputes

I’m guessing most of us like to live in a peaceful and harmonious environment, but the reality is, occasionally we have to deal with conflicts and disagreements. When it comes to your relationship with your landlord or your tenant, we hope it’s a good one, but if there are ever any disputes there are a few things you can do to try resolve them.

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How Do You Keep Your Tenant Happy?

In one of our previous blogs, we discussed how to keep your landlord happy. Believe it or not, this started a conversation and thread around things that a landlord should do to keep their tenant happy. So naturally, we felt obligated to write about it.

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The Terms Nearly Over and It’s Time to Move Out! Here are Some Quick Tips

Classes are finished, your final exam is right around the corner or is a thing of the past and it’s time to think about moving out. Here’s what you need to know…

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A Conversation With Student Legal Services Part 2

In our previous blog we shared part one of our question and answer session with Student Legal Services of Edmonton. In this blog we, continue and conclude our QnA session. A special thanks to Student Legal Services for taking the time to do this interview.

Note: Due to Covid-19 Student Legal Services is no longer taking walk-ins until future notice, and will be closed until May 4th, 2020; however, we still wanted to share the details of the QnA session in case it could help a student or tenant immediately. A special thanks to Student Legal Services for taking the time to do this interview.

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A Conversation With Student Legal Services Part 1

A few weeks ago, one of our community members reached out to us about recurring problems and issues he was having with his roommate that were making his living situation unbearable. We advised him to reach out to student legal services at his campus, but we decided to have a question and answer session with Student Legal Services of Edmonton just in case there are any other students who could use their services but aren't aware of it.

Note: Due to Covid-19 Student Legal Services is no longer taking walk-ins until future notice, and will be closed until May 4th, 2020; however, we still wanted to share the details of the QnA session in case it could help a student or tenant immediately. A special thanks to Student Legal Services for taking the time to do this interview.

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