Common Tenancy Problems and How to Solve Them

So you’re about to sign your lease or you recently just moved into a new place. As stressful as searching for accommodation or a roommate may be, various issues can come up once you’ve signed the lease and are trying to settle in. We’re here to walk you through some of the most common tenancy issues, and the best ways to deal with them.

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Move-In Inspections

A lot of you will be moving into your new place in the next few days and some of you may have already moved in. We can’t stress the importance of doing a move in inspection because any damages that are identified when you move out, may prevent you from getting your damage deposit back or could lead to a bad referral. If you can hire someone to do a professional inspection, then we think you should. However, if this is not an option for you, we’ve compiled a short list of the top ten items we think you should inspect.

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Life Hacks when Living Off-Campus

We realise that living off campus has some advantages and some disadvantages. This week we would like to share some quick life hacks that could help offset some of those disadvantages. So if you are living off campus or considering it, keep reading

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Common Financial Mistakes Student’s Make

Let’s face it, we aren’t all financial guru’s like Warren Buffett, but we can still avoid making some financial mistakes that could cost us a lot of money.

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The Most Important Housing Amenities and Extras

In this week’s blog, we browsed through some of our previous postings from our Facebook groups and identified the most important and popular amenities and extras that renters look out for. So landlords, if you are ever posting a listing for your apartment, condominium or house, make sure you emphasize and highlight these amenities if they are available.

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