Nightmare Roommates

In this week’s blog, we rounded up some of our members worst experiences with some of their former roommates. We asked our members if they had ever lived with a nightmare roommate, and if they had, what was it about their roommate that made them an absolute nightmare to live with.

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Common Financial Mistakes Student’s Make

Let’s face it, we aren’t all financial guru’s like Warren Buffett and money doesn’t grow on trees, but we can still avoid making some financial mistakes that could cost us a lot of money.

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Leading causes of roommate conflicts

Lets face it, every once in a while roommates will get into conflicts. Sometimes you can solve them and move on, but sometimes you can’t solve them and you have to go your separate ways. In this week’s blog, we decided to talk about some of the leading causes of roommate conflicts. If you know what the common causes of conflicts are, maybe you’ll be able to get ahead of them before they blow up into something major. We just hope if you're reading this, it’s not too late.

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Advice to my first-year self

In this week’s blog, we reached out to some of our community members and asked them to give us one piece of advice they would give to their first-year self and here are some of the responses we got.

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More Tips for First-Year Students

In last weeks blog we discussed some tips for first year students. That blog inspired this week’s blog about biggest regrets and lessons learned from students. We put together a list of some of the most valuable lessons from current and previous students. Please take a read because some of these are real eye openers.

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